

Worldwide resource consumption has reached 90 billion metric tons annually, and it is expected to double or more by 2050. This significant growth has raised questions about the long-term availability of primary resources and the sustainability of resource recovery processes. Consequently, the recovery of valuable materials from secondary resources along with mineral carbonation of industrial wastes has gained attention as a means to reduce dependence on primary resources, mitigate anthropogenic CO2 emissions, and enhance overall sustainability. 

Given this rationale, the Kim Research Group is dedicated to conducting multidisciplinary and collaborative research in two key areas: 

Critical Metals Extraction from      Secondary Resources

Resilient and secure production of critical metals is of utmost importance in driving the global transition towards a carbon-neutral economy. Here at the Kim Research Group, we are committed to advancing the development of efficient and sustainable metallurgical technologies that facilitate the extraction and separation of these metals. Our primary objective is to make a significant impact in addressing the ever-increasing global demand for critical metals, while simultaneously tackling the environmental challenges associated with their processing and extraction.

Carbon Sequestration using           Industrial Wastes

This research focuses on the mineral carbonation of industrial wastes as a sustainable solution for carbon capture and storage. Our goal is to sequester CO2 while simultaneously producing advanced construction materials, promoting a circular economy and reducing the carbon footprint. Through the development of efficient mineral carbonation processes, we envision a future where CO2 emissions are effectively managed, waste materials are transformed into valuable assets, and construction materials exhibit enhanced performance.